I came upon this at a rest area. In 2021 there was a 22-car pileup that claimed eight lives in southern utah on the I-15. Arizona highways are more prone to dust storms than Utah. ADOT provides this information on how to stay alive in a dust storm on the highway. The problem with a dust storm is there can be hardly no visibility. The major solution is to slow down. Also important to pull over if possible.
If you get caught in a dust storm follow these tips.
1. If you encounter a dust storm, immediately check traffic around your vehicle and slow down.
2. If possible, pull off the highway before poor visibility makes it difficult. Look for a safe place to pull completely off the paved roadway.
3. Do not stop in a travel lane or in the emergency lane.
4. Turn off all vehicle lights, including flashers. You don't want vehicles behind you to use the lights as a guide, possibly crashing into your car.
5. Set your emergency brake and take your foot off the brake. Stay in the vehicle with your seatbelts buckled and wait for the storm to pass.