Health Is Vital

Health is taken for granted, until you can't any more. In this blog I hope to put down on paper some of the articles I come across and want to remember, about health. I will be personalizing these articles to apply to me. I am diabetic, over weight, have high blood pressure and tinnitus, so these are the things you will find here. I will include nutrition, exercise, and holistic health, and many other ideas. I work in the health profession, particularly mental health, and have an interest in suicide prevention; so these topics will also be covered in this blog. Please, if you are suffering reach out. Our county health and crisis line is 1-855-278-4204.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Video Review: Andy Andrews: The Seven Decisions

Andy Andrews is one funny man.  He is also a very good motivational speaker.  He started out as a comedian, but has now written motivational books as well as become a motivational speaker.  I thoroughly enjoyed his presentation on the seven decisions.  These decisions are:
The Buck Stops Here:  Until we take responsibility for where we are, we have no power to make our situation better.
I Will Seek Wisdom: We must take responsibility for filling our minds with information that will improve ourselves, and in like way be careful of letting negative thoughts into our brains.
I am a Person of Action: Andrews told the stories of people who made decisions.  I love the story of Joshua Chamberlain, whose command to charge changed the battle of Gettysburg, and very possible the outcome of the Civil War.
I Have a Decided Heart:  Analysis is to lead to a decision.  Decision leads to action, and we should be committed to the decisions we make.
Today, I Will Choose to be Happy: The biggest key to happiness is to be grateful.  I will have a grateful heart, and thereby be happy.
I Will Greet this Day with a Forgiving Spirit: It is important to forgive others as quickly as possible; even if they don't deserve it; even if they don't ask.  I will also forgive myself.
I Will Persist Without Exception.  The without exception is key.  It is possible to persist, and then quit.  However if the persistence is without exception, then success will eventually come.
Andy Andrews gave the third rule last: I Am a Person of Action.  He did this on purpose, saying it is the most important.  He talked of the butterfly effect or law of sensitive dependency on initial condition.  In this theory, a small action can snowball until it has a tremendous effect.  Andrews illustrated this by talking of Chamberlain at Gettysburg, and also George Washington Carver.  He showed how decisions we make now can have tremendous results. 
The Butterfly Effect

I watched the bonus material.  Part was a question and answer session.  Someone asked, what is the most important lesson you want to teach your sons.  With out hesitation he answered, "That I love their mother."  He was so sincere, and so quick, I felt guilty I may not have responded so quickly, and that maybe I have not taught my children this lesson.  Some day I need to give up pride and selfishness, and make sure my kids get this message.

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