Health Is Vital

Health is taken for granted, until you can't any more. In this blog I hope to put down on paper some of the articles I come across and want to remember, about health. I will be personalizing these articles to apply to me. I am diabetic, over weight, have high blood pressure and tinnitus, so these are the things you will find here. I will include nutrition, exercise, and holistic health, and many other ideas. I work in the health profession, particularly mental health, and have an interest in suicide prevention; so these topics will also be covered in this blog. Please, if you are suffering reach out. Our county health and crisis line is 1-855-278-4204.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Tagalog: Know the Signs

We can all become helpers when people are feeling down or suicidal.  The first step is to know the signs.  Someone who is suicidal my:
Talk about death or wanting to die
Seek methods for self-harm
Feel hopeless, trapped, desperate
Give away possessions
No longer do things the normally enjoy
Put affairs in order
Be angry
Have sudden mood changes
Change sleep patterns
Have no sense of purpose
Increase drug or alcohol usage

After recognizing the signs, you must enter the conversation.  It is hard to accept that someone may be thinking about taking their own life.  Start the conversation by mentioning the warning signs you have observed.  Then ask the question, "Are you thinking of suicide?"  Then listen, express concern, give reassurance, and listen. Use the suicide hot line if you feel someone is suicidal.

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