Health Is Vital

Health is taken for granted, until you can't any more. In this blog I hope to put down on paper some of the articles I come across and want to remember, about health. I will be personalizing these articles to apply to me. I am diabetic, over weight, have high blood pressure and tinnitus, so these are the things you will find here. I will include nutrition, exercise, and holistic health, and many other ideas. I work in the health profession, particularly mental health, and have an interest in suicide prevention; so these topics will also be covered in this blog. Please, if you are suffering reach out. Our county health and crisis line is 1-855-278-4204.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Candy and Diabetes

What Candy Can People With Diabetes Eat and How Much Is Safe?  EveryDay Health  by Amy Gorin RDN, Reviewed by Kelly Kennedy RD.

So a good question for people with diabetes is candy?  I have always thought that candy is OK, but in moderation.  The issue being getting your carbohydrates without much in way of vitamins.  This article proposes a couple things.  Try to eat candy for dessert, so it is part of a meal and you eat when you are already full.  The other is promoting the fun-size version.  These are the candies often given out for Halloween.  The idea here is one or two is enough.  Candies with peanuts, M&M's, Reeses's, and Snickers tend to be healthier as the sugar jump is not as pronounced.  On the other hand, Skittle's and Twizzlers are almost pure sugar, and are good if your blood sugar is too low. 
So the answer is enjoy, but be careful.  If your sugar is already too high, you should avoid candy all together. 

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